When Should I Take These Superfoods To Help Digestion?

If you’re regularly affected by digestive issues like bloating, constipation, reflux, cramping, or urgency to go, here are our top Superfoods to help. Chlorella, Turmeric, Cinnamon and Wheatgrass form our Easy Digestion bundle!


This awesome algae works hard supporting your liver and bowel overnight. It draws out toxins ready for you to eliminate them easily in the morning! It is also known to normalise your gut flora to beat bloating.

  • Before bed, have Chlorella in a glass of water with lemon or take x4 of our easy to swallow tablets. After 1-2 weeks, you can add in an extra serving first thing in the morning.


Packed with powerful antioxidants, Turmeric can minimise damage to the gut lining from oxidised oils (in fried foods), pesticides from non-organic food and foods that are known to often irritate the gut like wheat, dairy and soy. It has killer effects on bacteria and fungus so is the perfect protective Superfood to take before meals.

  • Have 1tsp in warm water or plant mylk or x4 pure capsules ½ to 1hr before lunch and/or dinner – depending on whether you’re eating challenging foods for your digestion!


A highly alkalising and soothing food that is perfect if you’re prone to acid reflux. It also helps with easy bowel movements since ours is the powdered whole leaf (not dried juice) retaining all the precious fibre.

  • Take 1-2 servings daily 30mins-1hr before main meals. The pure powder mixes easily with water and our veggie caps are handy when on the go.
  • When suffering acid reflux symptoms, take 1tsp in water immediately.⁠


True Ceylon Cinnamon (like ours) is effective against overgrowths of bad bacteria, yeasts and fungi that can be responsible for bloating and inflammation in the gut. It is also traditionally used to help nausea.

  • Take 1-2 daily servings added into foods like porridge, coconut yoghurt, rice, sauces, soups – it works with sweet or savoury meals!
  • You can also have this delicious Burst with your Turmeric in warm plant mylk with a dash of maple syrup.

Get 10% OFF our Easy Digestion Bundle on our website now!