Tips To Survive A Summer Of Festivals

Enjoy festival season to the max this summer by prepping ahead. Our festival survival guide could just save you from killer headaches, the party collapse and even stave off hunger if the queue for the food wagon is just too long.

Pre-Gaming – Staying well during the festival season is just as much about what you do the week/s beforehand as how many wetwipes you pack. To give your liver a head start, you can begin taking Organic Burst Chlorella a week or so before the festival, 4 tablets or 1 teaspoon in lemon water, juice or your favourite smoothie every day, then you can increase the dose to 8 tablets or 2 teaspoons per day.

Good Hydration – Forgetting to drink enough (water!) is a sure-fire way to feel ill when you’re outside all day in the heat, our bodies rely on H2O for every single cellular activity including making energy and delivering nutrients around your body. Adding Organic Burst Baobab to your water bottle is an amazing way to stay hydrated. As well as tasting refreshing and citrusy, you’ll benefit from the immune boosting Vitamin C content, as well as the important electrolyte mineral potassium, a great idea to replenish this if your dance moves are getting you hot and sweaty!

Snack Time – It’s unlikely that you’ll be thinking about clever snacking, seeking out sensible lunch options, or making sure you get a good portion of greens each day when you’re camping out. So make room in your rucksack for a handy, health pack-up. Here are our suggestions:
  • Take along a selection of individually wrapped snack bars, go for natural versions that contain protein, which will keep you going much longer, or you could make some of our brilliant Baobab Energy Balls or Maca Energy Balls in advance and bring them in a Tupperware container, this should save you from reaching out for something naughty!
  • For some energising, green goodness, pack some super-light kale chips, or nori sheets. They’re a delicious savoury snack and full of minerals, including iodine which supports your metabolism – converting more energy in your body!
  • Organic Burst Spirulina Tablets are a portable tub of nourishment, that are so rich in nutrients that they work as a multivitamin and mineral, with the added benefit of containing 60-70% absorbable protein. Other brilliant benefits of Organic Burst Spirulina is its content of Vitamin B6 and iron that are known to boost your brain power, maybe it’ll help you remember the words to the songs you’re bouncing to?!
  • Fruit is the ultimate portable snack provided by Mother Nature – take a bag of apples, pears and bananas along that are less likely to be crushed. Eating a handful of nuts with your fruit will slow down the release of sugars into the bloodstream and keep you going longer.
  • A morning wheatgrass shot made with a teaspoon of Organic Burst Wheatgrass Powder in a glass of water could be your ticket to more energy this festival season. It is densely packed with amazing nutrients, including energy-metabolising manganese. Our wheatgrass is also full of fibre, a good option to keep you going for when you don’t know where your next meal is coming from.

The After Party
– OK, you know the fun is over when you wake up with a raging hangover, but we have a secret weapon: taking a booster dose of your Organic Burst Chlorella tablets (or powder) before a night out, when you get home and again the following morning helps the liver process the onslaught of harmful toxins. Numerous studies show chlorella helping remove alcohol from the liver, as well as cleansing it from other chemicals such as environmental pollutants. Amazing stuff!

What do festival regulars say? We got the skinny from Jenna McDougall from Tonight Alive (the super-popular Australian band), a big Organic Burst fan, who is playing at Reading and Leeds this summer:

“I'm kind of a practical festival type! I never go dressed to impress, it's all about comfort for me when I’m in for the long haul. Make sure you fuel up on something substantial in the morning and stay hydrated through the day. Nothing worse than a raging headache when you're trying to enjoy live music.”

If all else fails, get home and have the earliest night and biggest lie in you can manage. That and all your happy memories (along with a bit more chlorella and wheatgrass!) should set you back to rights, ready for the next party.

Have fun!

By Organic Burst Nutritionist Claire Marlow

Claire Marlow BA (Hons), DipIONFdSc, is a nutritionist at Organic Burst. Her interest is in restoring one’s control of their state of health, believing that there are too many people, especially in big cities today, ‘surviving’ rather than ‘living’. Claire has been featured in many publications such as Marie Claire, Women’s Fitness, Top Sante, Now, Natural Health, Daily Express and more.

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