- Learn why living in the modern world blocks your vitamins
- Eat more organic, fresh and local food
- Avoid toxins that use up your nutrient stores
If your diet is less than perfect, you juggle a full-on job with family demands, home improvements or lack of sleep, read our tips on how to choose more nutritional foods.

1. Depleted soil – In many places, the UK included, our soil undergoes intensive farming methods, which, unlike organic and traditional farming, rely on chemical fertilisers and pesticides to keep crops growing. Organic methods involve crop rotations, growing clover to fertilise, and resting the soil between growing periods. This means that the nutritional content of fruits and vegetables is higher in organically grown crops. The British Journal of Nutrition published a landmark paper in July 2014, which concluded that organically grown crops contain significantly higher concentrations of nutritionally desirable antioxidants and lower levels of toxic heavy metals and pesticide residues.
2. When Fresh Doesn’t Mean Fresh – In Northern countries such as the UK, and North America, fresh food (especially a lot of fruit) is often imported, it is often picked before it has ripened properly in the sun, then it travels thousands of miles in containers. Time, temperature and exposure to light all degrade the nutrient status of fresh food, for example, the levels of Vitamin C, Vitamin E and B Vitamins are all lower in imported produce. Eat locally, organically, and in season to help ensure you get more nutrition for your spend.
3. ‘Anti-Nutrient’ Foods – The kind of food we eat all the time in the western world is processed and includes a lot of grains, legumes and dairy. These foods put a burden on our bodies without delivering the nutrients we need to deal with them. It’s also important to ensure your gut wall is working well – what a waste if your lovingly prepared meal contains lots of high quality nutrients, but you can’t absorb them!
- Processed food is low in micronutrients (i.e. vitamins, minerals, essential fats, phytonutrients like antioxidants) but still high in calories. We call these foods empty calories and they include anything made with white flour, commercial cereals (interestingly these are usually ‘fortified’ with synthetic nutrients because the original nutrients have been stripped out), and items that have a shelf life of many months.
- Wheat-based and sweet foods raise insulin levels, which burdens the pancreas (the organ tasked with pumping out all the extra insulin), they also disrupt the health of our bowel, irritating the gut lining and affecting our beneficial gut flora – which are needed to absorb nutrients properly.
- Lectins, phytates, and saponins are all ‘anti-nutrient’ substances found in grains, beans, pulses, other legumes and soy that injure the gut lining, cause inflammation and interfere with absorption of nutrients.
4. Our Toxic Burden – The exposure to toxins from our food (anti-nutrients, pesticides, preservatives), polluted air from travelling on motorways or living in a city, drinking alcohol, chemicals in cigarette smoke, medications, cleaning products, paints, dyes, and cosmetics, all mean our detoxification organs have a bigger job to do than the one they were originally designed for. Although our detoxification organs work hard every day to rid the body of toxins, the buildup over time means the excess toxins are packaged up and stored away in liver and fat cells, to be dealt with at a later date. Unfortunately we never give our bodies a rest from the onslaught of toxins, so they aren’t removed and stay in our cells, causing skin problems such as blackheads, acne, oiliness, smelly sweat, along with headaches, brain fog, fatigue and weight that won’t shift. Multiple studies recommend adding chlorella to support the liver, gallbladder and kidneys because it cleanses them from toxins and environmental pollutants. Take a teaspoon per day in a green smoothie, or swallow 4-8 tablets with a glass of water and you will feel the difference.

5. When You Need Extra Nourishment – Most people are onboard when it comes to taking extra nutrients when pregnant, as it is accepted that the body has additional needs. Quite right. But how about other times in life when we need some extra support? Exam times, growing children, a hefty workout regime, a stressful or active job, health conditions, hormone disruption, old age, lack of sleep are all situations where nutritional supplements are very helpful. If you’re trying to lose weight, then your calorie intake will be limited – this of course means fewer nutrients are going into your body, so it’s very sensible to add good quality supplements at this point. Another reason for restricting our food intake is our sedentary lifestyle. Eating less is the only way to avoid weight gain if we spend most of the day sitting down and aren't getting out and exercising enough, so in this case, we should always aim to eat the most nutritious foods available to us. This is why we love superfoods so much!
Adding our incredibly nutrient-dense whole food powders or additive-free tablets and easy-swallow capsules, that are not synthetic, isolated nutrients, is the perfect way to top up your nutrient levels on top of fresh and wholesome food. We’re firm believers in Mother Nature’s plan to give us nutrients in whole foods that work well together in synergy, so many people feel amazing and buzzing with energy after taking superfoods, rather than waiting weeks to notice any difference. This is because superfoods are recognised and absorbed by our bodies better than synthetic nutrients. The bonus is that there are no side effects, you can take them every day and have fun with them too – if you like experimenting in the kitchen, try our yummy Chlorella Parfait or Maca Pancakes!