Spirulina Almond Butter Cups by This Rawsome Vegan Life

For an absolutely ingenious way to eat your daily spirulina, enjoy a tasty health snack and be wildly experimental in the kitchen, give these easy bites a go! Emily von Euw of This Rawsome Vegan Life created these deep green and deeply nourishing Spirulina Almond Butter Cups, which take minutes to make, no complicated equipment needed and you'll be all set to power through the rest of your day!

Emily, over to you:

These Spirulina almond butter cups are the answer to my prayers. Soooo ridiculously delicious, easy to make and good for you! Spirulina is an awesome source of iron and protein! You can tell it's rich in chlorophyll because of its dark green colour; chlorophyll has a powerful alkalising effect. I like Organic Burst spirulina because I know it's high quality and I love the flavour!


Spirulina cup:
2 tablespoons Organic Burst Spirulina powder
1 tablespoon maple syrup
1/4 cup coconut oil

Almond butter centre: 3 tablespoons almond butter


  1. Melt the coconut oil gently, then stir in the spirulina and maple syrup until evenly combined.
  2. Get out 3 cupcake papers, and pour in just enough of the mixture to cover the bottom of each one. Put in the fridge or freezer for about 10mins until it's solid.
  3. Scoop a tablespoon of almond butter into each one, then pour on the remaining spirulina mixture so it covers the almond butter.
  4. Freeze or refrigerate until solid, then enjoy!

By Raw Vegan Blogger and Author Emily von Euw

Emily created This Rawsome Vegan Life, an award-winning food blog, where she shares vegan and usually raw recipes with all her own food photography. She is a history student, professional blogger and best-selling author. Emily lives for walks in the forest, green smoothies, raw chocolate, erotic encounters, dancing all night, and cuddling with other animals!

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