The Simple Principles of Healthy Eating with Amelia Freer

According to healthy eating expert and exclusive London nutritionist, Amelia Freer, healthy eating need not be daunting, her 10 principles of eating are simple to understand, give fast results and are simple to integrate however busy or hectic you are! We chatted to Amelia and got the inside scoop, although she wouldn’t say a word about her celeb clients when we cheekily asked!

OB: Your book Eat.Nourish.Glow. is a fantastic guide to switching over to a healthy lifestyle, who is it aimed at and what’s the take home message you want your readers to understand?

AF: Eat. Nourish. Glow. is aimed at everyone that wants to reach optimum health and improve the way that they eat. It isn’t written for health professionals or those who already eat really well, I want readers to understand that small changes make a big difference and that healthy eating need not be such a daunting task. I introduce my 10 principles of healthy eating which are simple to understand and give fast results, crucially they are also so simple to integrate into your life however busy or hectic you and your family are.

OB: What’s the first thing you get clients to change when you start working with them?

AF: Grace around food – as soon as you acknowledge the power of nutrition and start respecting what you consume, the rest will follow.

OB: Are there any diet mistakes that drive you up the wall when you see them time and time again?

AF: This rarely happens as I usually succeed in guiding people away from damaging foods and habits, but addictions are harder to curb and I have had clients with addictions to a particular soft drink, lattes or similar that they find difficult to combat.

OB: It feels like mass produced food is getting less and less nutritious, but there is a rising wave of healthy foodies making a name for themselves! How do you feel about the food industry and the direction it’s going?

AF: The food industry as a whole horrifies me – false claims, buckets of added unnecessary sugars, additives and other horrors. But I am constantly delighted at the rapidly growing market of quality healthy products that can really help me and my clients stay on the right track. I embrace them all for not compromising and genuinely feeding rather than poisoning consumers. And I love how positive and vibrant the health foodies are – I think its really exciting times and the more people out there spreading a positive message about healthy eating, the better! (Yay - we agree)

OB: How would you go about coaching a client out of emotional overeating?

AF: If the issues are very deep I urge them to work closely with a psychotherapist but usually my support and meal plans boost my client’s mood enough for them to move away from emotional overeating. Of course, life is life and there may be a crisis for them but little steps can help them to cope better each time. It can be quite a long journey for some people but the most important thing is that they take that first step on the journey.

OB: Your top 3 food saviours?

AF: Coconut oil, cauliflower & avocados. So hard to choose only 3!

OB: Your top 3 food devils (to avoid)?

Sugar, gluten, ready meals.

OB: How do you use superfoods in your practice or your own diet?

AF: I use superfoods most days, usually in smoothies or baking and I encourage my clients to do the same. I probably use Organic Burst Maca and Baobab the most for the energy boosts.

Thank you Amelia!

By Organic Burst Nutritionist Claire Marlow

Amelia is a sought-after London-based nutritional therapist with a prestigious and exclusive client list, including Boy George who has famously transformed his health! If you can’t get an appointment, Amelia has recently written her first book, which is full of the knowledge and advice she would give during a consultation. Eat. Nourish. Glow. by Amelia Freer (HarperThorsons, £16.99) photography Ali Allen is available now.

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