Avocado Spirulina Smash By Mari Jasmine

Did you know you could make an avocado even more nutritious? The naturally stylish and stunning TV presenter Mari Jasmine came up with this fantastic snack by adding a sprinkling of our protein-rich spirulina granules. So simple and delicious!

We recommend you choose a gluten free bread to toast, so you get all the amazing benefits of Mari's 'smash' without irritating your gut lining and causing any knock-on effects.

Mari, over to you:

This is one of my go-to snack recipes. A lot of my friends are also obsessed with a bit of avocado on toast (or another favourite of mine - on rice cakes)! The easiest way to superfoodify a bit of avocado smash is to throw some OB spirulina granules in the mix - an easy way to sneak in some extra goodness into our meals.


  • 1 avocado
  • 2 pieces of bread (gluten free, such as buckwheat is great), toasted
  • 1 tsp Organic Burst Spirulina granules
  • squeeze of lemon juice
  • olive oil
  • salt
  • 5 cherry tomatoes, halved
  • small handful of pinenuts, roasted in a dry frying pan for a minute or two
  • a little balsamic vinegar (optional)

  1. Cut the avocado and scoop out the flesh into a bowl
  2. Add the spirulina, olive oil, lemon, salt and mash together with a fork
  3. Spread the avocado smash onto your toast
  4. Top with the cherry tomatoes and pinenuts, and a splash of balsamic

By TV Presenter Mari Jasmine

Mari Jasmine is a TV presenter with a passion for food, health and the outdoors. When she’s not taping you’ll find her at a cafe, sipping on a brewed coffee, writing for her blog. She loves to create healthy meals with lots of fresh colourful produce! See more from Mari on her wonderful Instagram feed.

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