Top Tips To Stay Healthy When Flying

Step off the plane feeling healthy and refreshed with our ultimate air-travel tips!

  • Tips to resist illness from bugs on the plane
  • The best travel snacks to keep energised and hydrated
  • How to protect yourself from radiation, blood clots and jet-lag

Improve your resistance to bugs

You’re exposed to more bacteria and viruses on a plane because you’re sharing a confined space with lots of other people. Plus the bugs will be different from the ones you come across in your daily life, so your resistance will be lower.

There’s no guarantee that every armrest, pillow, and sink is fully sanitised when you take your seat, so take these precautions to stay well:

  • Give your immune system support; for a week before you fly, ensure you’re nourished with plenty of B Vitamins and Vitamin C. Take 1 teaspoon or 4 tablets of Organic Burst Spirulina every day, plus 1 teaspoon Organic Burst Baobab in water twice a day.
  • Eat foods that contain probiotics, like yoghurt, kefir, sauerkraut, tempeh and miso, to keep your gut bacteria in a healthy balance. Good bacteria are the soldiers of your immune system!
  • Organic Burst Chlorella is another great way to balance your bacterial flora, take 1 teaspoon or 4 tablets every day for a week before travel. Wash your hands regularly during the flight and don’t put your fingers anywhere near your mouth, nose or eyes to prevent infection.
  • Keep a plant-based organic hand sanitiser in your bag to help eliminate nasty bugs.

What to eat and drink

Airports and planes offer little in the way of healthy food, plus the atmosphere in the cabin is incredibly dry, with humidity of just 1% whereas a healthy atmosphere is around 50%, so it’s scarily easy to become dehydrated!

Try these food and drink tips to stay energised, hydrated and feeling well:

  • Before you travel: start the journey fully hydrated, this means avoiding all caffeine, alcohol and sodas 24hrs before you fly. Drink mineral or filtered water and eat hydrating foods like raw fruits and vegetables.
  • OB Tip: Melons are probably the most hydrating food you can eat and they are also a low-FODMAP food, which means they won’t contribute to bloating during the flight! Have a dessert bowl of melon pieces before you leave.
  • Be prepared with healthy snacks: You could make some superfood balls (check out our favourite superfood balls here) for the journey, some sachets of your favourite protein shake, or energy bars (make sure they're low in sugar to prevent bloating). Salty snacks like nuts and crisps are a definite no-no when flying as they can dehydrate you further!
  • OB Tip: boil a couple of organic cage-free eggs to take with you on the plane. They are a good source of fat-soluble vitamins, healthy fats and protein and will last unrefrigerated even throughout a long-haul flight.
  • Avoid processed meals: airline food is heavily processed, microwaved, denatured and packed with additives like colours, preservatives, salt and sugar. So ideally it would be better to just let the trolley roll on by when it comes your way. Stick to your pre-packed healthy snacks instead. But if you do find yourself tempted, try to choose salad and a protein source like meat, fish or eggs.
  • Filter your water: either buy bottled water and drink plenty throughout the flight, or bring your own water filter bottle that you can top up regularly. The drinking water on the plane is not of a high standard and could potentially make you ill. Remember not to use water in the bathrooms if you’re brushing your teeth.

Block in-flight health risks

Flying poses a set of unique health challenges, so we’ve listed the most troublesome, plus our tips on how to deal with them:

Radiation – on a flight you’re exposed to ionising radiation because the atmosphere is much thinner so high up.*

Although the risk from infrequent flying is relatively low, it’s definitely worth giving your body extra support against radiation damage with chlorophyll-rich chlorella, that aids detoxification.

Blood clots and swelling the pressure in the cabin, in combination with dehydration can cause your blood to thicken, raising your risk of clots. Make sure you stay well-hydrated throughout the flight and move around a lot to keep the blood moving as it should around your body.

Every 30 minutes walk up and down the aisles, take your shoes off, stretch your ankles and calves.

Jet-lag – when you’re travelling between time zones your circadian rhythm (sleep cycle) becomes disrupted. Being well rested, nourished and hydrated can make all the difference (see the tips above).

If possible, try to time your journey so you arrive at your destination in the evening, so you can go to bed and wake up with natural daylight the next day.

Being outside as much as possible during daylight hours, especially if the sun is out, can really help fix your sleep rhythm, ensuring you can sleep when it gets dark later at night.

Noise and light – the sound of the engines, other passengers and frequent announcements mean that flying is incredibly noisy, this puts stress and tension on your body, making you edgy. Additionally, there is always artificial light in the cabin that disrupts sleep.

Block out noise and light with earplugs and an eye mask. This way you’ll protect your senses and hopefully get better rest, helping you to feel bright and alert when you arrive.

Anxiety – many people get anxious when flying, it can be a challenge for your mind as well as your body!

To help keep you balanced and feeling amazing, try Organic Burst Maca – it’s an adaptogenic root, also known as Peruvian Ginseng, which means it works to keep you balanced and feeling amazing. Take 1 tsp in your protein shake or stirred into a yoghurt before or during your flight.

Try not to let fears about staying well ruin your trip, you’ll be rocking and rolling with our healthy plane plan – ready to enjoy your holiday!

* Read more about the facts of air-travel radiation here.