Wheatgrass Avocado Latte With Coffee Whipped Cream

Fight off a snack attack with this filling green latte with rejuvenating Organic Burst Wheatgrass! The alkalising green wheatgrass and the special cold brew process means this tasty glass doesn’t acidify like regular coffees.

Ingredients (Serves 1):

  • 1 ripe avocado
  • ½ cup cold brew coffee
  • 1 tsp Organic Burst Wheatgrass powder
  • A handful ice cubes
  • 1 tsp rice malt syrup

For the whipped cream

  • 1/4 cup heavy organic cream (for a vegan version replace with 1/4 cup raw cashew nuts, soaked overnight)
  • ½ tsp liquid stevia
  • 1 tsp espresso powder


  1. Blend all latte ingredients until smooth and creamy.
  2. [For non-vegan whipped cream] Pour the cream into a deep mixing bowl. With a hand mixer, whip the ingredients until soft peaks form.
  3. Add the syrup and espresso powder, and beat until soft peaks return.
  4. [For vegan whipped cream] Drain the cashew nuts. Place everything into a food processor, blend until smooth.
  5. Place one or two dollops of whipped cream onto the avocado latte and dust with a touch of espresso powder.

“Wheatgrass Avocado Latte With Coffee Whipped Cream. Enjoy the delicious taste of coffee without side effects.”
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Isn't this the most nourishing latte? Share your thoughts on this recipe or your own version with your fellow Bursters below.